Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My husband got an onboard computer and I already want to break it!

My husband's new bike came in and he got to pick it up on Monday. He had Billy at The Bike Shop install an onboard computer and I have to say it's annoying me and it's not even on my bike. Well, that and the bell. Apparently Hubby's bike came with a bell that he rings ALL THE TIME!!! (My bike didn't come with a bell, he has the same model I do did I get shafted?.)

At any rate it all started on the ride to Subway last night. The questions and comments started.
"Is this how fast you normally ride?" *ring ring* "Oh, well it's 7mph"*ring ring* "My top speed was 25 mph!"*ring*

We all went to the library today and I was informed that the total distance there and back is only like 2 miles. I had estimated 2.5 by driving the route and using my car odometer. I didn't want to know that a 1 mile ride winds me!

Anyway, the kids didn't find any "chicks" to "dig on" today at the library. I think it's like going to a singles dance for the preschool set. Rhys' animal of the week is the camel. I tried to find a book but after searching and not finding one in the kids section I allowed him to appeal to the children's librarian once again.

I did get my blood sugar and blood pressure checked for free today. My blood pressure was normal for anyone else but high for me, and my blood sugar wasn't so great. No More Cupcakes! At least no more real cupcakes. From now on they will be from scratch and made out of whole wheat flour and topped with something other than frosting. I don't quite know what that will be yet but I'll figure something out.

We stopped by Grandma's on the way home, it's much easier to do this on the bike than in the car. You just pull in and you don't worry so much about wasting gas stopping and starting. The slower speed at which you pass also factors in as you have a longer time to consider whether or not to stop. Stopping generally wins unless it's about to rain or you're running late.

My darling hubby (who is much more coordinated than I am) used the camera phone to take some pictures of me, the bike, and the trailer in action. It's sickening how talented he is. My husband might not be able to beat up your husband but he can ride while taking pictures without swerving AND he makes the best sandwiches EVER! The grass on my side of the fence is SO green, most of the time.

So, here are Derek's pics:


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