Thursday, September 25, 2008

Getting Political, Religeous, and Calling out the Hypocrits

Please pardon my current break in the usual broadcast schedule of nice fluffy happy sotries about cycling and how it's changing my life (I promise to put one of those up later after I feel better), but I just got blindsided by a political link on someone elses blog that sucked the spirit out of the room. So, here I am to address my opinion of politics at the moment. I'm not so vocal about it but I have to say that both McCain and Obama chill my blood and make me want to run to the bathroom to vomit. I will most likely end up voting either for Bob Barr (if he ends up having a chance) or McCain because he makes me want to vomit slightly less. The difference in overall vomit output is very slight.

We as a nation are going to an unnamed destination but I will tell you that our chosen vehicle is indeed a hand basket. We have GOT to start voting independent people! Do you want to know why? Because all of the corruption, money, and political backscratching is just going in a circle up there in D.C. We are Rome. We will fall like Rome and what will be left? We're not nearly as cool as Italy so let's not kid ourselves here.... nothing.

What we need is righteous uncorruptible leadership. We don't need promises of change and promises of no longer being depenant on forieghn oil. Raising minimum wage continuously isn't going to do anything when the quality of students our schools are putting out is so hideously lacking because we're standardized testing the life out of them. A raise in minimum wage is merely going to raise the cost of everything else. Continuously adjusting it for inflation is going to force us into a post WWI Germany situation where it takes a wheelbarrow of cash to buy bread. Oh yes and our current administration isn't helping by just putting more bills out there. Yes, lets put more out so that the dollar can be worth less than it was. Also, trickle down economics is going to take at least a generation to do anything and people aren't going to wait that long. That's why it's called "trickle down" not "money flooding down". You idiots! You fools!

We are on the edge of a precipice. If you're planning on the current candidates for office to bail us out you're wrong. Get your food storage together, stock up on the essentials, learn some basic survival skills because if things keep going as they are we're all going down.

Pull out your Book of Moromon and read Alma and Helaman... we're there! The Gadianton Robbers are leading the country and they have control of the media. If you don't believe me start watching the data and interpreting it instead of letting someone tell you what it means, the two haven't matched up for quite some time. It's happening all over again. If you don't have a Book of Mormon I would suggest getting one and reading. Open your minds, listen to the spirit and learn. If you're too closed minded to ponder the Book of Mormon, please ponder the fate of Rome.

Don't blame me, I voted for Romney. He may not be perfect, but I felt really good about him.

On another political note... I have some really great friends who champion environmental issues. I really do love you. However, those of you who are not practicing what you preach at home need to get your act together. If you're doing the things that you need to do to live a lower impact lifestyle, then I'm not talking to you. But if you're not, then I don't want to hear anything out of you regarding the environment until you get your own house in order. You need to recycle, get your butt out of your car and persue alternate transportation, cloth diaper if you have a baby, and quit wasting stuff, or shut up! I, your conservative, evil neighbor am doing these things to the best of my ability. Get up and get to the recycling center and stop being a hypocrit!

Change starts at home.

I once read a bumper sticker at Charis Books in Atlanta it said, "Men who change diapers change the world." In other words it starts here in our own homes. Teach your children to recycle and live with less waste at home. If you have no children teach your friends and roomates by example instead. Better yet, teach them morals and values through your behavior. Move out from there.

At any rate, the state of the country and our people right now really makes me sick. Quit being lemmings! I'm absolutely sick of political rhetoric, empty promises, the corrupt and the crazy leading us, and you people running off the darn cliff. I don't want to come with you but there are too many of you and you're dragging me down. Fix it people because I can't afford to move me and mine to a deserted island until this blows over.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Free Couch with Purchase of Toddler

Okay so I'm not actually putting Alistair up for sale but with his reaction to us putting the old couch on the road yesterday you'd think that I was. Derek and I finally had a free minute together to take the old messed up couch out to the road and Al had a fit. At first he thought that we were getting rid of the new couch and he ran to it crying, "no, not my special couch". Then, he did the same with the old couch, only this time he put together an all out protest. He sat down on it and wouldn't get off. We extracted an Al from the couch after a few moments but he continued to cry and attempt to block our progress out the door. We finally go the thing out and the crying continued until he ultimately decided that he did indeed want to go down to the curb and say goodbye to the thing. This was of course 20 minutes later... I think that my ears are still bleeding!

So, we have a new couch courtesy of the old church building (from our new branch) and our branch president who was kind enough to hang onto it for us. It actually matches my area rug! How cool is that?! This picture is from before I got the photo wall put up behind it. Yes, I've been here less than 3 months and I'm hanging pictures... I know it's a new thing for me!

I never did post pictures from our trip to story time here. A couple of weeks ago I rode the kids down to story time at the library. We had fun, met some other kids... They do crafts here so the kids had a blast. In the picture the kids are holding up some signs, that wasn't the craft. They made mice out of paper plates. I accidentally left my keys (bike lock key included) on the ground and the bike didn't get stolen, so that's nice.

It's also occurred to me that I didn't post pictures from the move. So, here are some of us moving in. In the picture with all the kids they're watching a train go through town at the crossing 2 blocks up the street (they're big blocks though).

Sunday, September 7, 2008

So Busy

So, I've been a bad blogger lately.. no blog!

This is mostly because we actually have stuff to do here! Last week we rode to story time at the library and I totally lucked out because I dropped my keys while locking up the bike and forgot to pick them up and no one stole the bike. *phew* We made friends at the library, yea! Actual friends who have kids the same age and live close by! Not that my other friends aren't totally awesome but... sometimes you need to just walk around the block and let the monkeys loose.

We rode to the dollar store again and met some very friendly cyclists. These two older guys were hanging out and commented on the trailer as we rode by so we stopped and talked for a few. Most people around here seem to ride cruisers - old school cruisers. There are a lot of seriously stylish and cool bikes around here. I think that there are only like 2-3 families that actually wear helmets though. I'm a little concerned with the lack of obeying traffic laws as well but... not much that I can do about that at the moment.

I made it all the way down to the board of education and back the other day just before tropical storm Hannah arrived and messed with my joints for a couple of days. We literally got in the house as the rain started on Friday. Al fell asleep in the trailer again... very cute... although poor Rhys ends up with a face full of helmet when lil'bro nods off. I'm looking forward to getting some cycling in later this week but I've also got to make some trips out to Roanoke Rapids and Petersburg by car. I must start on Jedi costumes for the boys soon otherwise they'll be wearing the overpriced crumby ones from a department store that I don't admitt publicly to shopping at...